Influence of family and social/cultural context on early learning


  • Peggy Verónica Hernández Jara Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education. Master in Higher Education. Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador
  • Bachelor of Science in Education, mention in Early Childhood Education. Master in Curriculum Design. Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador
  • Ángela Elizabeth Jordán Yépez Bachelor of science in education with a major in biology. Bachelor's degree in educational sciences, specializing in biology. Master in management of educational and social projects. Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador



family, education, cognitive development


The child's learning capacity does not depend only on heredity and environment; it also depends on the stage of maturation in which stimulation occurs. Therefore, the family is a key agent to strengthen and imbue the child with relevant learning. The family is the basic fundamental nucleus of society; its environment mediates the learning and development of its members. The objective of this article is to analyze the influence of the family in the education of children and how the teacher can impact on the preparation of parents. For this purpose, we took as evidence the pre-professional practice activities developed by the students of the Early Childhood Education career of the Faculty of Legal, Social and Educational Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo.


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2021-04-18 — Updated on 2022-01-22

How to Cite

Hernández Jara, P. V., Álvarez Gutiérrez, M. L., & Jordán Yépez, Ángela E. (2022). Influence of family and social/cultural context on early learning. Sinergia Académica, 4(2), 12-17.




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