The use of synonyms in the teaching-learning process of junior high school




synonyms, process of teaching learning


Knowledge about the correct use of the resulting synonyms of great importance; however, there are still insufficiencies in its use in contexts, and therefore limit a better social interaction. The objective is to argue the importance of the use of synonyms in the teaching-learning process in junior high school. For this, theoretical and empirical methods were used that allowed obtaining the information related to the research topic and served as support for the elaboration and implementation of didactic orientation activities directed towards the use of synonyms in the teaching process. learning in junior high school. The results demonstrate its validity as a didactic way, which implies greater didactic-methodological preparation of the teachers and greater prominence of the students in the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Frómeta, O. ., Garcia Bonnane, Y. ., & Moreira Carbonell, C. . (2023). The use of synonyms in the teaching-learning process of junior high school. Sinergia Académica, 6(3), 127-135.


