Influence of curriculum conception and its design on children's learning in early childhood education


  • Peggy Verónica Hernández Jara Coordinator of the initial education degree program, Faculty of Juridical, Social and Educational Sciences. Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Juana Victoria Andaluz Zúñiga Professor of Initial Education, Faculty of Juridical, Social and Educational Sciences, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador. Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Patricia Elizabeth Camacho Abril Professor of Initial Education, Faculty of Juridical, Social and Educational Sciences, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador. Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador



early childhood education, curriculum, curriculum design, early childhood education, curriculum design


This article analyzes curriculum theory, defines and conceptualizes the terms curriculum, curriculum design and models. The influence of the curricular conception and its design in the learning of children in early childhood education is evaluated; where play is conceived as the main strategy in the teaching-learning process. The three axes of development and learning for all early education are mentioned, each one of them encompassing different areas proposed for each educational sublevel; all this facilitates the adequate articulation between early education and the first grade of General Basic Education. In the process of verification, it was possible to verify the increase of interest and motivation, as the children undertook with great enthusiasm all the tasks assigned during the development of the course, which facilitated the learning of the skills foreseen in each educational sublevel.


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How to Cite

Hernández Jara, P. V. ., Andaluz Zúñiga, J. V. ., & Camacho Abril, P. E. . (2023). Influence of curriculum conception and its design on children’s learning in early childhood education. Sinergia Académica, 6(4), 57-69.




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