Sensations, perceptions and representation of the world in early childhood




sensations, perceptions and representations


Early childhood is crucial in human development. During this period, boys and girls explore the world through their senses, perceive the stimuli that surround them and develop mental representations that help them understand and act in their environment. The objective was to analyze how sensory experiences influenced the development of sensations, perceptions and representations of the world in preschool II boys and girls. One of the problems was the lack of recognition of the individuality of each child because they have different experiences, interests and learning rates, influencing how they perceive and represent their world. A bibliographic review of the main theories and studies on the subject was carried out, a quantitative methodology based on empirical participant observation was designed and applied to a sample of 30 preschool children, the data obtained through data analysis techniques were analyzed and interpreted. statistical data. It was concluded that it is necessary to promote a comprehensive and holistic education in early childhood, which respects and stimulates the diversity of ways in which children feel, perceive and represent the world, which favors their active and critical participation in society.


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2024-01-27 — Updated on 2024-02-02

How to Cite

Romero Constante, M. E. ., Moreira Baque, D. M. ., & Rendón Bautista, I. B. . (2024). Sensations, perceptions and representation of the world in early childhood. Sinergia Académica, 7(1), 227-244.




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