Emotional autonomy in early childhood as a life skill





Emotional autonomy, ability, educational development, emotion management


The present field study based on the mixed approach of scientific research describes from a neuroeducational perspective the importance of “Emotional autonomy in early childhood as a life skill” in girls and boys of initial II. Considering that it is a fundamental aspect in psychological and personal development. This study aimed to substantiate emotional autonomy at an early age as a life skill from theoretical positions, understand the impact on the effective management of emotions, considering its relevance to promote healthy and balanced growth. The various dimensions were explored, evaluating how self-acceptance, self-regulation, resilience, emotional independence and problem solving contribute. This analysis took as a population 23 girls and boys from the “Dr. Benjamín Carrión” Educational Unit. An interview was carried out with the educator, a survey directed at parents, a checklist for the children and an observation sheet for the class which They were analyzed to demonstrate the problem; Finally, the appropriate conclusions and recommendations are established to design a three-module program of effective intervention for parents and educators, with the purpose of enriching educational practices and promoting healthy emotional autonomous development.


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How to Cite

Herrera Berrones, E. V. ., Pastrana Bozada, L. T. ., & Rendón Bautista, I. B. . (2024). Emotional autonomy in early childhood as a life skill. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 1), 168-195. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial.205




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