Strategy to strengthen the school-family bond in rural areas through digital social networks




rural education, school-family relationship, collaborative social networks


The relationship between school and family, as educational agents, is fundamental for the development of all dimensions of the human being. This relationship is favored by the use of new information and communications technologies, especially in rural areas where the family does not have the time to attend the educational center regularly and their participation in educational activities is limited by remoteness. The objective of the research carried out was aimed at proposing and scientifically validating a strategy to strengthen the school-family bond through digital social networks of pedagogical collaboration in Basic General Education in rural areas. The research process was based on the mixed approach, developing an explanatory study. The initial diagnosis allowed us to infer that there is limited family-school collaboration, as well as the need for new mechanisms that link educational institutions with the family in order to reinforce the work of institutional education. The strategy to strengthen the school-family bond through digital social networks was conceived as the set of actions carried out by the teacher through virtual environments, in order to facilitate the support and participation of the family in the formation of the students. The results obtained made it possible to summarize that the implementation of the strategy contributes significantly to strengthening the school-family bond.


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How to Cite

Estrella Quinto, K. S. ., Mamonte Bohórquez, B. R. ., Milanés Gómez, R. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Strategy to strengthen the school-family bond in rural areas through digital social networks. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 204-223. 3.267




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