Strategy for learning mathematics through gamification, with elementary school students




estrategia de aprendizaje, matemática, gamificación


Gamification as a teaching method is becoming increasingly important in education. It is recognized that it facilitates student participation, which favors higher levels of freedom and learning from mistakes, in an environment of satisfaction. In mathematics teaching, it is presented as a strategy to improve motivation and learning, as well as the development of key skills and competencies. The present research evaluates the effectiveness of gamification in mathematics learning in fifth-grade students of the Luis Pauta Rodriguez educational unit. It is based on the mixed approach, which allows the triangulation of information, from a descriptive-explanatory scope. It was carried out through three fundamental phases: diagnosis, strategy development, and validation. The diagnosis allowed knowing the students' performance, as well as the teacher's skills and the possibilities of using gamification for the development of learning. The strategy showed effectiveness in the main aspects analyzed in the research. The analysis of the final results in comparison with those obtained at the beginning of the research shows an important positive transformation, by having an impact on the performance and performance of the students in the activities. The consultation with experts evidenced favorable criteria in all aspects; the understanding of the coherence and quality of the design was verified, as well as its correspondence with the topic addressed.


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How to Cite

Arroyo Borja, F. M. ., Coello Sánchez, S. I. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Strategy for learning mathematics through gamification, with elementary school students. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 4), 50-65. 4.295




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