Methodological strategy for the improvement of mental arithmetic skills in sixth-grade students




mental arithmetic, methodological strategy, elementary education, active learning, performance improvement


The improvement of mental calculation skills in sixth-grade students of basic general education (EGB) is a pressing need given the importance of these competencies in the academic and everyday environment. This study addresses this problem through the implementation and evaluation of a methodological strategy designed to enhance these skills. The main objective is to investigate the impact of this intervention on the development of mental arithmetic skills. The sample consisted of two groups: an experimental and a control group at the Basic Fiscal school Humberto García Ortiz during the period 2023-2024. The strategy was implemented over a defined period of time, using a variety of practical activities, including project-based learning sessions, collaborative learning, gamification and problem solving. Pre-test and post-tests were used to assess student progress, as well as Student's t-test to compare differences between groups. The results revealed significant improvements in mental calculation accuracy and speed in the experimental group compared to the control group. These findings suggest that the methodological strategy implemented was effective in improving mental arithmetic skills in sixth-grade students.


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How to Cite

Diaz Cerezo, M. del P. ., LLivisaca Sarmiento, M. M. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . . (2024). Methodological strategy for the improvement of mental arithmetic skills in sixth-grade students. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 4), 255-276. 4.305




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