Didactic strategy for mathematical reasoning of students in the third year of elementary basic education





mathematics, didactic strategy, mathematical reasoning


The mastery of mathematics becomes inevitable, due to the very need to offer solutions to problems of different kinds and contexts. Their learning helps the development of thinking in different ways, from being orderly, to looking for and trying different ways of solving a given problem. The objective of this research is to develop a didactic strategy to improve the mathematical reasoning of third-year students of the basic elementary education of the Unidad Educativa Mundial. The study was carried out from a multimethodological or mixed approach and with a descriptive character of the research and convergent design. The research, carried out in three stages, allowed an adequate development of all aspects foreseen its design, facilitating a greater organization and control of each aspect in an orderly way, with the expected quality and in the expected time. The initial diagnosis served as the basis for determining the actions and main strategies to be implemented as part of the research. The didactic strategy implemented to improve the mathematical reasoning of third-year students showed a high effectiveness in solving the difficulties presented. A positive transformation was evidenced in the main indicators studied, showing the capacity of the strategy to provide solutions to the problems identified. The consultation of the experts, in relation to the didactic strategy, offered positive criteria in relation to all its elements. In this sense, all aspects achieved satisfactory results that supported the application.


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How to Cite

Hilaca Chávez, S. E. ., León Chichande, M. R. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Didactic strategy for mathematical reasoning of students in the third year of elementary basic education. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 171-198. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7i3.333




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