Didactic strategy based on digital resources for learning multiplication in general basic education students





didactic strategy, digital resources, learning multiplication


Mathematics, due to its importance, is present in any curriculum or educational training program; Therefore, it is essential to have a training process in schoolchildren in which they achieve a high basic knowledge of numbers in different mathematical operations. Therefore, this research aims to develop a didactic strategy, based on digital resources for the learning of multiplication. The research was descriptive-explanatory and was developed in three phases, during the 2023 school year. It was framed in a mixed approach in which different methods and techniques were used; multi-methodological complementarity was used in the rigorous interpretation of the results resulting from scientific inquiry. In it, an analysis of the main aspects related to the learning of multiplication was carried out, in which the necessary aspects were raised to propose the design and development of the didactic strategy based on digital resources. To determine the effectiveness of the proposal, experts were consulted and the main results achieved were assessed. In this sense, favorable results were shown, related to the use of digital resources in the teaching of multiplication. The use of the experts' criteria evidenced the objective nature of the proposal, in this sense, the comprehensiveness of the actions, the variety, the sufficiency and the replicability of the same were recognized. All of which evidences the validity of the proposal.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Balvera, D. B. ., Valarezo Villagrán, D. V. ., & Ortíz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Didactic strategy based on digital resources for learning multiplication in general basic education students. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 56-76. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 5.369




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