Digital resources and tools for the development of temporal-spatial skills in the area of Social Studies for students in the eighth year of Basic General Education




digital resources and tools, temporal-spatial skills, social studies.


Digital resources and tools are fundamental for the development of temporo-spatial skills in eighth grade students of basic general education, facilitate the understanding of the historical, geographical and intercultural world, and foster critical thinking and informed citizen participation. This study aims to develop a methodological strategy based on digital resources to improve these skills, integrating them effectively into the curriculum design and specific pedagogical strategies. The SeDInER methodological strategy (careful selection of digital resources; design of interactive activities; integration of collaboration and communication tools; formative assessment and personalized feedback) was designed through a system of activities ranging from the selection of digital resources to the integration of collaboration and communication tools, including formative assessment and personalized feedback. The implementation of the SeDInER strategy in eighth grade students of the PASA educational unit had a positive impact on academic performance in the area of social studies. It is concluded that the use of digital resources in the classroom improves comprehension and retention of information, and promotes a more critical and reflective approach, which contributes significantly to the integral development of students.


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How to Cite

Pasmay Taco, M. E. ., Cadena Zambrano, J. D. P. ., Borba Franco, D. W. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Digital resources and tools for the development of temporal-spatial skills in the area of Social Studies for students in the eighth year of Basic General Education . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 285-317. 5.377




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