Education in values to develop empathy in seventh grade students of basic general education




teaching strategy, education in values, developing empathy, seventh grade students, basic general education.


The research focuses on the development of a teaching strategy aimed at promoting education in values and cultivating empathy in seventh grade students of Basic General Education. The strategy recognizes the importance of empathy in the socio-emotional development of students, as well as its positive impact on school coexistence and the formation of responsible and compassionate citizens. The study seeks to design an effective pedagogical approach that encourages these critical skills. The proposed teaching strategy is based on theoretical principles of values education and developmental psychology, as well as the specific needs and characteristics of seventh grade students. The research employs a mixed approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods to collect and analyze data. Interviews will be carried out with teachers and experts in values education, as well as focus groups with students, to diagnose the needs related to the promotion of empathy in the school context. A system of activities and teaching materials is designed focused on education in values and the development of empathy, which are evaluated through classroom observations, questionnaires and analysis of student performance. The results of this research confirmed that it contributed to the development of effective strategies to promote education in values and cultivate empathy in seventh grade students. The research provided educators with a set of pedagogical tools that allowed them to improve the school climate and promote the emotional and social well-being of students.


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How to Cite

Palacios Becerra, M. del S. ., Honores Rueda, N. A. ., Vergel Parejo, E. E. ., & Chiriboga Posligua, M. F. . (2024). Education in values to develop empathy in seventh grade students of basic general education. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 445-477. 5.382




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