Teaching strategies with the use of digital resources to improve the learning of social studies in children in the eighth year of basic general education





teaching strategies, social studies, basic general education, digital resources, learning


Currently, improving student learning in topics related to social studies represents a challenge for educators. However, it is evident in many cases that the necessary conditions for the effective development of skills, abilities, and creativity do not exist. Taking into account the above, the present research aims to develop a methodology that implements didactic strategies with the use of digital resources to improve the learning of social studies in children in the eighth year of Basic General Education. The research was carried out through a mixed-type development study, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches of a pre-experimental type. 32 eighth-grade students from the El Playón Educational Unit participated in the implementation. The study analyzed how the integration of technology in the classroom can improve the understanding and retention of key concepts in this subject. The results suggest that didactic strategies with digital resources increased student interest, allowed the exploration of content in an interactive way, and promoted meaningful learning. In conclusion, the methodology developed for the implementation of didactic strategies using digital resources to improve the learning of Social Studies in eighth-grade students of General Basic Education included five key stages:1)Diagnosis and training, where the technological needs of teachers were assessed, and the learning styles of the students were identified; 2)Selection, evaluation, and adaptation of digital resources, ensuring that the resources were tailored to the specific characteristics of the students;3)Selection of didactic strategies, designing activities based on learning styles and subject content;4)Implementation, ensuring access to technology in classrooms and overcoming access limitations; and 5)Evaluation and analysis of results, measuring the impact on learning and adjusting the methodology according to the results obtained.


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How to Cite

Pupiales Pupiales, J. M. ., Casanova Ruano, B. M. ., Borba Franco, D. W. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Teaching strategies with the use of digital resources to improve the learning of social studies in children in the eighth year of basic general education. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 126-155. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 6.410




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