Gamification for the development of logical-mathematical competencies in fourth year high school students




gamification, logical-mathematical competences, skills, mathematics teaching-learning, mathematics teaching-learning


The development of mathematical competencies through innovative pedagogical strategies is a relevant topic of growing interest in contemporary academia. The present study addressed the design of a gamification strategy for the development of logical-mathematical competencies in students in the fourth year of General Basic Education. The research was carried out in a rural Ecuadorian school to evaluate the impact of gamification on the development of these skills. The results showed significant improvements in students' logical-mathematical skills, supported by standardized evaluative activities, surveys and the corresponding statistical tests for pretest-posttest comparative analysis. Descriptive statistical methods were also applied to organize the information by means of tables and graphs of absolute and relative frequencies. A positive impact was observed in problem solving and in the variety of strategies used, although no significant differences were found in the connections between mathematical concepts. Students showed a positive perception towards the effectiveness of games in mathematics learning, mainly in aspects related to motivation, interest, understanding and participation in mathematics learning through games. Teachers perceived the strategy as effective and relevant. They perceived that gamification was useful in facilitating student learning and that the planning and execution of the strategy were well adjusted to the educational objectives, which reflects a favorable perception of the feasibility and positive impact of this methodology.


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How to Cite

Gavilanes Guzman, K. V. ., Verdezoto Verdezoto, D. I. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Gamification for the development of logical-mathematical competencies in fourth year high school students . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 184-205. 6.412




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