The strengthening of the value identity from the subject of study panorama of Cuban culture




Strengthening, value identity, teachings means


In investigation approaches him the problems of the strengthening of the value identity from the subject of study Panorama of culture Cuban in the pupils of the 12mo the Escuela Military Camilo Cienfuegos's grade. In consequence, Panorama of the culture declares like objective elaborating teachings means for the strengthening of the value identity in the subject of study herself with what presented Cuban. They utilized theoretic methods and empiricists that they allowed synthesizing the investigated theme's most relevant sources. The elaborate means favored the pedagogic practice, as from the linkage theory and practice in the process of teaching learning. The attained results proved that the proposal constitutes a pertinent answer to the declared problem, insofar as methodology constitutes a didactic path that identity in the pupils in the process of teaching contributes to development and strengthening of the value learning of Guantánamo's School Military Camilo Cienfuegos.


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How to Cite

Reyes Chibás, K. ., Cuña Quintana, B. L. ., & Moreira Carbonell, C. . (2023). The strengthening of the value identity from the subject of study panorama of Cuban culture. Sinergia Académica, 6(3), 117-126.




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