Methodological strategy based on the universal design for learning, for the development of communication and socioemotional skills in the mathematics subject in the 6th year of primary school




universal design for learning (UDL), communication skills, social and emotional skills, inclusive education


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is fundamental to cultivating communication and social-emotional skills by adapting instruction to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of students. In the mathematics teaching and learning process, the UDL provides the necessary framework to promote an inclusive and adaptive education. The objective of this research was to propose a methodological strategy based on the Universal Design for Learning, for the development of communication and socioemotional skills in the subject of Mathematics. The results of the diagnosis of teachers and students revealed methodological deficiencies in the teaching staff, as well as deficiencies in the communicative and socioemotional skills in a group of 35 students of the 6th year of EGB. The partial application of the designed strategy provided a system of SAD activities, which allowed self-perceived improvements in the students, which were verified through the application of Phi and Cramer's V statistical tests. Additionally, it was positively validated by a group of experts who identified areas of improvement in the conception of some of the proposed activities.


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How to Cite

Salinas Díaz, Z. G. ., Ortiz Acosta, D. E. ., & Hodelín Amable, N. . (2024). Methodological strategy based on the universal design for learning, for the development of communication and socioemotional skills in the mathematics subject in the 6th year of primary school. Sinergia Académica, 7(1), 20-44.


