Neurodidactic strategies to strengthen the emotional development of middle basic general education




strategy; neurodidactics; emotional development, strengthen


In the educational field, the application of neurodidactic strategies focused on emotions is presented as an innovative and effective approach to promote emotional development in students from 8 to 10 years old in the Cumana Educational Unit belonging to the Fifth year of basic education. These strategies are designed to stimulate emotional intelligence through guided practice and reflective feedback, with the aim of promoting the acquisition of essential emotional competencies. By integrating techniques that focus attention on emotions and promote emotional self-regulation, deeper and more meaningful learning is facilitated, preparing children to effectively manage their emotions in the current educational context.

The children in this educational center exhibit negative behaviors, such as fights between classmates and lack of concentration in the activities directed by the teacher, among other challenges. These problems were the main reason that motivated this investigative study to be carried out.

In this study, a mixed methodology was used that included diagnostic tests, interviews and observations to evaluate the emotional progress of students and design specific emotional modulation strategies. The results confirm that there is a lack of coexistence skills due to deficiencies in education. emotional. In response, it is suggested to develop a guide to educational strategies that includes activities aimed at teachers responsible for children's learning. These children will be the main beneficiaries, since they will be able to improve their interactions with their peers and, therefore, improve the coexistence environment in the classroom.

In addition, it is expected that both parents and students will benefit from this proposal. The guide will help improve the direction of the teaching-learning process, which in turn will contribute to a more positive and productive school environment.

This initiative is key not only to address the emotional and social needs of students, but also to strengthen collaboration between parents, teachers and students, which has the potential to significantly improve the quality of education and well-being. general of the students.


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How to Cite

Cazar Tituaña, P. G. ., Luna Sánchez, E. E. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Neurodidactic strategies to strengthen the emotional development of middle basic general education . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 255-274. 3.269




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