Didactic strategy based on digital resources for the development of the dividing skills of sixth-grade students of the educational unit Ecuador





teaching strategy, digital resources, division learning, sixth-year students


As part of Basic General Education, sixth-grade students must develop the skill of division. However, in the Ecuador Educational Unit, deficiencies have been identified in the level achieved by students in this skill. This research aims to develop a teaching strategy based on digital resources for learning division in sixth-year students. The proposed strategy was developed in three fundamental stages: diagnosis, implementation, and evaluation of the results. The intervention was carried out at the Ecuador Educational Unit. The sample used consisted of 29 students of said educational level and the collaboration of 6 teachers. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to evaluate the impact of the proposed teaching strategy. After implementing the strategy, the main results revealed significant improvements in the development of division skills. The present research demonstrates the correlation between the proposed strategy and the development of the division ability of sixth-year students in the Ecuador Educational Unit, which represents a significant contribution to the educational field.


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How to Cite

López Muñoz, R. E. ., Muñoz Castillo, M. R. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Didactic strategy based on digital resources for the development of the dividing skills of sixth-grade students of the educational unit Ecuador . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 4), 322-341. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 4.310




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