Didactic resources for the development of calculus skills in addition and subtraction in third year of EGBE





addition and subtraction, reflective calculus, methodological guide, didactic resources, work stations.


The mastery of reflective calculation in addition and subtraction is essential for EGBE students, as it enhances their critical problem-solving thinking and promotes skills applicable in other areas of their training. However, third-year students face challenges such as a lack of fluency in basic concepts and the transfer of knowledge and skills to diverse contexts. The objective of this research is to design a methodological guide, based on workstations, for the development of reflective calculation skills of addition and subtraction in students in the third year of the EGBE from the use of didactic resources. The sample consisted of 28 students and 5 mathematics teachers from the Basic Education School in the city of Guayaquil. Interviews, evaluation activities, and surveys were conducted. The results of the diagnosis made it possible to show ideal conditions for the implementation of the proposal, as they revealed a gap between the positive perception and the scarce use of didactic resources in mathematics. During the implementation, a positive impact on the accuracy of responses and a decrease in errors in addition and subtraction were observed, through statistical tests of relationship between variables (Wilcoxon, Phi and Cramer). Teachers positively evaluated the methodological guide, highlighting its usefulness and adaptability, although some ambiguity was identified in the instructions, the findings indicate significant improvements in students' reflective calculation skills in addition and subtraction.


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How to Cite

García Manrique, H. E. ., de la Cruz Aquino, S. M. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Didactic resources for the development of calculus skills in addition and subtraction in third year of EGBE. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 291-313. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7i3.338




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