Ludic strategies to improve the educational inclusion of students with learning difficulties in the fourth year of basic education at the Juan León Mera school




ludic strategies, educational inclusion, learning difficulties


The use of ludic strategies is one of the pedagogical responses that education has provided to the need to enhance inclusive education in the educational environment. A research process was carried out based on a mixed approach, at an explanatory level with a pre-experimental design, with the objective of developing play strategies to improve the educational inclusion of students with learning difficulties in the fourth year of Basic Education at the "Juan León Mera" School, Guayaquil, Ecuador, during the 2023-2024 school year. The initial descriptive study revealed achievements and inadequacies associated fundamentally with equity in the achievement of results, respect for cultural, socioeconomic and ethnic diversities, and attention to special educational needs. The modeled ludic strategies are oriented to improve the educational inclusion of students with learning difficulties through an integrated approach in which the most effective good pedagogical practices are materialized, making it possible to propose practical recommendations for their implementation in the specific context of the educational institution. The scientific assessment of the modeled ludic strategies revealed their significant contribution to improve the educational inclusion of students with learning difficulties in the school context under transformation. The evaluations made by the experts and the evaluations of the students themselves provided the arguments that allow asserting the validity of the proposal to improve the harmonic and gradual integration of the students at adequate assimilation rhythms.


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How to Cite

Quinto Grijalva, I. G. ., Peñafiel Peñafiel, M. E. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Ludic strategies to improve the educational inclusion of students with learning difficulties in the fourth year of basic education at the Juan León Mera school. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 314-340.




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