Didactic guide for teaching geometry using GeoGebra for elementary school students





didactic guide, geometry, GeoGebra


The teaching of geometry is highly relevant, as it is a fundamental pillar in the cognitive and mathematical development of students. The use of different educational and innovative tools in the teaching-learning process of geometry is a fundamental way to improve students' performance, while promoting their motivation and participation. In this sense, a didactic guide based on GeoGebra was developed to improve the teaching-learning process of geometry in sixth-year students of Basic General Education in the 17 de Julio Educational Unit. The research is carried out from a mixed approach, and is considered descriptive-explanatory, in which different methods were used, such as: Historical – logical, Hypothetical – deductive, Analysis – synthesis, Modeling, Document review, Observation, Content testing, Interview, Rubric, as well as the Expert Criterion. It was carried out, through three fundamental steps, in which the diagnosis of the teaching-learning process of geometry was developed, allowing the identification of different problems, which served as the basis for the proposal and development of a didactic guide based on GeoGebra. All of this allowed us to determine the role of GeoGebra in the teaching-learning process of geometry, evidenced through the transformation of the problems identified. The expert opinion allowed a positive diagnostic impression in relation to the guideline, in terms of implementation capacity, objectivity, relevance and coherence. Therefore, the favorable results obtained are recognized.


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How to Cite

Fuertes Rosero, M. N. ., Guerra Tana , H. R. ., Vázquez Álvarez, A. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Didactic guide for teaching geometry using GeoGebra for elementary school students . Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 413-440. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7i3.345




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