Digital resources for learning plane geometry, in students of the eighth year of basic general education




plane geometry, digital resources, teaching strategy, meaningful learning


Plane geometry is a branch of mathematics that is very useful for human life, since it plays an essential role in daily life activities. Since geometric contents are not only for science but are also useful for solving various problems, it is necessary for teachers to develop an active, creative and innovative learning system to help students learn plane geometry. This article examines the impact of digital resources for learning plane geometry, taking as a particular objective students in the eighth year of Basic General Education. For the purpose of the study, a didactic strategy was designed for learning plane geometry with the use of digital learning resources, which encourage the visualization and practical implementation of the contents. The survey results show a positive impact of the teaching model on student performance. In the post-test, the students in the experimental group obtained significantly better results than the students in the control group in the total number of points. The results demonstrated that the use of digital resources was more effective in improving student learning in plane geometry (mean post-test score = 9.05; with a mean gain = 1.41), than traditional problem-based learning (mean post-test score = 7.52; with mean gain = 0.05). Therefore, the authors advocate the use of digital technologies and resources in learning plane geometry. The proposed teaching strategy was rated as Very useful by the experts.


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How to Cite

Villón Rivas, V. L. ., & Ortíz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Digital resources for learning plane geometry, in students of the eighth year of basic general education. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 346-380. 5.379




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