Didactic strategy for the active learning of calculus in fourth year elementary school students





active learning, calculation skills, arithmetic, academic performance, motivation


The improvement of arithmetic calculation skills in General Basic Education (EGB) students is fundamental for their academic and cognitive development. The present study investigated the impact of a strategy based on active learning on the development of arithmetic skills in students in the fourth year of General Basic Education (EGB). A sample of 25 students and five teachers from the "15 de Abril" Intercultural Bilingual Community Education Center of Basic Education was selected. A pretest-posttest analysis was carried out to evaluate emotional and motivational elements of learning, as well as the students' performance before and after the implementation of the strategy. Tests of the relationship between variables were applied using IBM SPSS Statistic software. The results indicated a significant increase in students' motivation and satisfaction, as well as in their arithmetic calculation skills. As a complement, a survey of teachers was conducted to evaluate their perception of the usefulness and viability of the strategy in the classroom. The teachers' assessment revealed a positive perception regarding the relevance of the proposed strategy to promote active learning and the development of arithmetic and higher order cognitive skills in students.


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How to Cite

Guaman Guaman, Z. N. . ., Suarez Lopez, T. de J., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Didactic strategy for the active learning of calculus in fourth year elementary school students. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 381-413. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 5.380




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