Gamification with digital tools to motivate the learning of language and literature by students in the second year of general basic education




learning, motivation, gamification, language and literature


Motivation adopts a central position in the process of teaching Language and Literature, by allowing students to recognize, from their motivational intentions, why and what for they learn. The objective of this research is to develop a program of activities based on gamification with digital tools to enhance the motivation for learning Language and Literature in students of the second year of general basic education of the school Soldado José Díaz, Chacras, Arenillas, Ecuador, in the school year 2023-2024. A descriptive and explanatory research with experimental design was developed. In the characterization carried out in the first stage of the research process, limitations were identified regarding the motivational orientations to receive, understand, interpret and respond to messages, and insufficient motivational orientations to read and understand written texts. The program of activities based on gamification to enhance motivation for learning Language and Literature was designed as a resource to be used in the teaching-learning process, so its structure determined the following components: objective, activities, resources and scenarios, assessment and feedback. The research process developed allows us to affirm conclusively that the implementation of a program of activities based on gamification is effective in enhancing the motivation for learning Language and Literature in students in the second year of General Basic Education.


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How to Cite

Fernández Pineda, M. V. ., Neira Torres , J. K. ., Borba Franco, D. W., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Gamification with digital tools to motivate the learning of language and literature by students in the second year of general basic education. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 279-299. 6.416




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