Playful strategy for the motivation of the learning of Mathematics in the students of sixth grade of EGB of the school of basic education Republica de Italia




motivation, playful strategy, mathematics learning, sixth grade students, academic performance


Motivation in learning mathematics is a determining factor for the academic and cognitive development of students. Therefore, this study aimed to design a ludic strategy to enhance the motivation of sixth grade students of General Basic Education (EGB) in mathematics. A quasi- experimental study was carried out with an experimental group and a control group, where the playful strategy was implemented in the former and traditional teaching was maintained in the latter. The sample consisted of 70 students from the Basic Education School ‘República de Italia’, divided into two groups of 35 each, as well as 3 mathematics teachers. The study combined qualitative and quantitative methods, including teacher interviews, design and validation of the play strategy, application of questionnaires and analysis of academic performance. The results revealed low motivation and unsatisfactory performance in mathematics, especially in the control group. The application of the play strategy showed significant improvements in motivation and academic performance in the experimental group. Statistical tests such as frequency analysis, Wilcoxon and Student's t-tests were used to compare the levels of motivation and academic performance before and after the intervention, verifying the normality of the data with the Shapiro-Wilk test. This study highlights the importance of implementing innovative and motivational strategies in mathematics teaching to improve students' learning and performance.


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How to Cite

Pérez Chicaiza , J. H. ., Chicaiza Guaranda , J. A. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . . (2024). Playful strategy for the motivation of the learning of Mathematics in the students of sixth grade of EGB of the school of basic education Republica de Italia. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 440-471. 6.424




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