System of workshops on values education to promote respect among EGBE students




education in values, respect, family-school collaboration, educational environment


This study focused on the importance of values education in fostering respect in students of General Basic Education (EGBE). The research was based on the identification of the difficulties faced by teachers regarding students' attitudes towards respect and related values. An educational program was designed that included workshops, focused on teachers and family members, for the development of strategies for values education with emphasis on respect. The workshops addressed fundamental issues of values, strategies for their promotion, interventions in conflict situations and collaboration between family and school. Teachers and tutors of elementary school students from an educational unit participated in the workshops. Experts in educational evaluation participated to validate the program. The results of the post-workshop evaluation showed significant improvements in indicators such as compliance with rules, attitude towards authorities, assertive communication, conflict resolution and emotional self-control. Statistical tests were applied to compare the results between different groups of students, highlighting a greater growth in the second year of EGBE. This research allowed us to underline the relevance of values education as an effective tool to cultivate respect and foster a more positive, collaborative and inclusive educational environment.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Avilés, R. M. ., Flores Segovia, M. A. ., Henríquez Antepara, E. J. ., & Rodríguez Caballero, G. A. . (2024). System of workshops on values education to promote respect among EGBE students. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 3), 275-300. 3.270




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