Methodological strategies to develop skills in calculus with magnitudes in the third year of EGB




methodological strategies, working with magnitudes, calculation skills.


At a global level, the implementation of methodological strategies for the development of skills in calculus with magnitudes in the third year of Basic General Education is revealed as a crucial need to enhance global mathematics education. In this sense, this research is carried out, to develop effective methodological strategies that enhance the learning and mastery of skills in calculation with magnitudes in students of the third year of Basic General Education of the Mariano Barona Fiscal Educational Unit. The research process developed was multiple, allowing the efficient analysis of qualitative and quantitative aspects, as products of the nature of the study in question. Different methods were used, such as Historical – logic, Analysis – synthesis, Hypothetical – deductive, Modeling, Documentary review, Observation, Content testing, Semi-structured interview, Rubric, and Expert criteria. It was developed in three stages, starting with the diagnosis of the current situation, the proposal of strategies, and the evaluation of effectiveness, as well as the expert criterion. The implementation of the methodological strategy evidenced effectiveness in the main aspects analyzed in the research.


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How to Cite

Sarango Molina, O. M. ., Nazareno Nazareno, Y. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Methodological strategies to develop skills in calculus with magnitudes in the third year of EGB. Sinergia Académica, 7(3), 150-170.




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