Digital tools to develop narrative skills of historical events in fourth-year students of the EGB




tools, narrative skills, historical facts, students.


This research focuses on the use of digital tools to improve the narrative skills of fourth-year students of Basic General Education (EGB) in relation to historical events. It is based on the premise that narratives are essential to understand and remember historical events, and that the use of digital tools can significantly enhance this understanding. The study represents a design that combines qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods were used to collect and analyze data in order to understand in depth the use of digital tools to develop narrative skills of historical events. A pre-experimental design was carried out that allowed to verify the impact on the introduction of the proposal. The study was developed with a representative sample of 20 students, who formed an experimental group. The experimental group participated in activities using specific digital tools designed to improve their historical narrative skills. The results showed that students who participated in activities with digital tools demonstrated a greater development of historical narrative skills. This research concludes that the integration of digital tools in the teaching of history can be an effective strategy to improve student learning in this field.


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How to Cite

Tamayo Orellana, L. M. ., Zapata Sanmartin, V. A. ., Borba Franco, D. W., & Ortíz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Digital tools to develop narrative skills of historical events in fourth-year students of the EGB . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 209-252. 5.375




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