Pedagogical accompaniment to the family for the fulfillment of school homework in fourth-year high school students




acompañamiento pedagógico, deberes escolares, manual de buenas prácticas, rendimiento académico., pedagogical accompaniment, homework, best practices manual, academic achievement.


The active participation of families in the pedagogical support of students is crucial for their academic success. The objective of this study is the elaboration of a manual of good practices to strengthen the pedagogical accompaniment of the family in the fulfillment of homework by students in the fourth year of general basic education (EGB). The sample consisted of 20 students in the fourth year of a multigrade school, with representatives of their 12 families and a teacher. A single-group quasi-experimental design was used, combining student and family surveys, teacher interviews and documentary analysis. This is a mixed type of study, since qualitative and quantitative elements were combined, which made it possible to better understand in depth the importance of pedagogical support to the family for the fulfillment of school duties in students of the fourth year of EGB. Methods used were interviews with families and fourth grade students of the Héctor Lara Zambrano school, systematic observation, and specialists' criteria. Mathematical statistics with percentage analysis were also used. The results revealed significant improvements in family pedagogical accompaniment and homework fulfillment after the implementation of the manual.


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How to Cite

Vargas Guamán, M. M. ., Vargas Guamán, D. E. ., Martínez Isaac, M. G. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Pedagogical accompaniment to the family for the fulfillment of school homework in fourth-year high school students. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 5), 253-284. 5.376




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