Didactic strategy for the development of multiplication skills in third-year students of Basic general education of the intercultural bilingual community educational unit Cacique Tumbala





teaching strategy, multiplication skills, students, Basic general education


The study focuses on the design and implementation of a pedagogical strategy to improve multiplication skills in third-year students of Basic General Education of the Intercultural Bilingual Community Educational Unit “Cacique Tumbala”. The research is carried out in the context of an intercultural bilingual school, which adds complexity and cultural richness to the proposed didactic approach. The research addresses the importance of developing multiplication skills in students from an early age, recognizing its fundamental role in mathematical development and future academic success. The proposed teaching strategy is based on innovative methods adapted to the intercultural and bilingual context of the school, with the aim of actively involving students in their learning process and promoting a deep and meaningful understanding of multiplication concepts. A mixed-type development study is carried out with a single-group pre-experimental design. The expected results of this research include the improvement of students' academic performance in mathematics, as well as an increase in their confidence and motivation towards learning in this area. The developed teaching strategy serves as a model for other intercultural bilingual schools that face similar challenges in teaching mathematical skills. The research seeks to contribute to the strengthening of educational quality in intercultural and bilingual contexts, offering effective tools for the comprehensive development of students.


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How to Cite

Tenelema Morocho, R. ., Folleco Chala, S. J. ., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. . (2024). Didactic strategy for the development of multiplication skills in third-year students of Basic general education of the intercultural bilingual community educational unit Cacique Tumbala . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 6), 349-377. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 6.420




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